Our Promise

Qlewds will be 100% free with neither a monetary barrier of entry nor any purchases that affect in-game outcomes. We believe an equal competitive gameplay experience is crucial to a thriving community.

If you would like to support our development at this time and facilitate our release, head over to our Patreon and consider supporting the qlewd effort. We have some exclusive perks you can flaunt throughout all of qlewd history that you were there before it was cool.

Patreon subscribers will be given early access based on date of enrollment.


Our goal is to run a seasonal battlepass model, with a completely overhauled map and gameplay patch each season.

Users can buy season tickets and either redeem to upgrade their account or gift to an account in their friends list. There are no exclusions to matchmaking and party queuing between free and upgraded accounts.

Upgraded accounts will have access to bonus chatlines (pay to trashtalk), ability to view rank, as well as being able to customize their in game name and player skin.* There will be more benefits, but none will affect in game performance nor compromise the competitive balance of gameplay.

*we are aware of the absurdity.

The Seasonal

We will reserve a portion of all profits to host an online tournament between the top ranked teams with a prizepool allocated from the community fund at the culmination of each season.

We’re not sure where it will go, but we’d love to see what the best of the best could do in the Qlewds format.

Our Vision

We are a very small independent team who cares deeply about making qlewds a truly free game. To that end, we have poured all our available leisure time and savings towards getting it in your hands. Please consider supporting us at this time through our Patreon or by following our social media and giving us some encouragement.

We will continue to work hard until we have an empire built on a billion Qlewd corpses. We plan on releasing monthly updates here to keep everyone up to date. we look forward to getting you on the battlefield.